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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                               QUANTUM MAGIC 


     In quantum mechanics, reality is described by waves defining the
     probabilities of different outcomes from the same interactions.
     These waves manifest as what we have been taught to call matter,
     energy, particles, and/or waves when observed.    

     These probability waves overlap and continue forever.  The
     interactions between different entities constitute a single
     structure of linked wave patterns, so that the entire universe
     can be thought of as an unbroken whole.  The waves form a matrix,
     with all parts of the system affecting all other parts.  Non-
     local relationships exist between parts of the system that are
     distant from each other [1].  It is impossible to distinguish 
     two particles of the same type in a region of space in which they
     may be found simultaneously [2].  Particles loose their
     individual identity in such regions.  Thus, the physical universe
     is fundamentally unified.

     The basic equation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics is
     Schrodinger's Wave Equation  [2]:

                            2         2            
       i h (p)Q /(p)t  = - h /2m Delta Q + V(x,y,z) Q

     satisfying the normalizing condition:

       Integral      2     
       over all   |Q|  dx dy dx = 1


            h = 6.63E-34 joule sec / (2 pi)

           pi = 3.14...
     V(x,y,z) = Potential energy, as a function of 
                coordinates x, y and z

            m = Mass

            t = Time
          (p) = Partial derivative of
            Q = Wave function of the particle, where Q dx dy dz is    
                the probability that the particle may be found in the 
                volume element dx dy dz at a particular time.  Values 
                of Q are components of the "state vector."


     Values of Q are quantum mechanically defined states and
     constitute components of the "state vector."  These quantum
     mechanically defined states define the probabilities of various
     results from quantum mechanically defined interactions [2].  In
     one orthodox interpretation of quantum mechanics, a system exists
     simultaneously in all quantum mechanically possible states until
     an observer (or apparatus outside the system) interacts to
     "collapse" the state vector" and obtain an observation.

     Quantum mechanical systems can go from one configuration to
     another instantly, without passing through any states in
     between.  Quantum mechanical movement is discontinuous, with all
     actions occurring in discrete amounts (quanta).

     Schrodinger himself discovered one of quantum mechanics' more
     distinctive features:  whenever two systems interact, the
     mathematical waves that represent the two systems do not separate
     but remain linked.  The link does not drop off with distance and
     the link acts instantaneously at both locations, but the
     specificity of the link can be diluted through interactions with
     other objects  [7].


     There are lots of hypotheses on the nature of the underlying
     reality described statistically by quantum mechanics.

     o Some scientists are content with the hypothesis that there is
       no more subtle structure than the probability waves described
       by quantum mechanics; and reality, at its most basic level, has
       a large amount of randomness whose limits are described by the
       quantum mechanical wave function, making the wave function
       itself the fundamental reality.  This is called the probability
       doctrine.  It asserts that such indetermination is a property
       inherent in nature and not merely a profession of our temporary
       ignorance, from which we expect to be relieved by a future
       better and more complete theory  [2].

     o Einstein speculated that there must be some underlying
       mechanism, some hidden variables,  that uniquely determines
       the outcome of the interactions quantum theory can only
       statistically predict.  

     o J.S. Bell showed mathematically that, if such a mechanism
       exists, and the math of quantum mechanics is strictly correct,
       hidden variables must not have any functional dependence on the
       separation of events in space and time [3].


     o According to David Bohm, from both a consideration of the
       meaning of the mathematical equations and from the results of
       experiments, particles can be understood as projections of a
       higher-dimensional reality.  This reality can not be accounted
       for by any force of interaction between independent entities,
       but can be understood as a process of enfoldment in a higher
       dimensional space  [1].  Information within the quantum wave
       determines the outcome of the quantum process.  This
       information is potentially active everywhere but only actually
       active when and where it enters into the energy of an observed
       particle, implying that all particles have complex inner
       structures [10].

     o Recently, superstring theory has been proposed, describing a
       ten dimensional webwork of space-time at an incredibly small
       scale (1E-33 cm) underlying the phenomenon described
       statistically by quantum mechanics, relatively, particle
       physics etc. 

     Some scientists consider speculation about the nature of the
     underlying reality to be irrelevant, since the predictions of
     quantum mechanical equations match the statistics of the results
     of experiments.  To the best of my knowledge, experiments have
     not been performed that unambiguously distinguish between these
     alternative world-views.  On the other hand, experiments have
     been proposed; and some work is underway to check some
     predictions of superstring theory.  Eventually, from the results
     of experiments, some of these hypotheses may be screened out and
     others elevated to the level of scientific theory.

     We are one and the same as the structures that underlie the
     matter and energy that we manifest as; and that structure is
     continuous, interconnected, and non local in nature.  Whatever
     the underlying structure behind the interconnected wave pattern
     described by quantum mechanics (if any), we are that.  


     Getting back to established scientific theory, normal waking
     consciousness occurs when the nerve cell firing rate (synaptic
     switching rate) is high enough to spread out the waves associated
     with electrons to fill the gaps between nerve cells (synaptic
     clefts) with  waves of probability of similar amplitude.  This is
     described mathematically by the quantum mechanical mechanism of
     tunneling.  These waves are interconnected throughout regions of
     the brain through resonances, resulting in a large, complex,
     unified, quantum mechanically defined resonance matrix filling a
     region in the brain.  The waves are interconnected with each
     other and with information storage and sensory input mechanisms
     within these regions of the brain.  


     The nerve cell firing rate (v') at which this occurs has been
     modeled mathematically by Evan Harris Walker (at the U.S. Army
     Ballistics Center at Aberdeen Proving Ground) and corresponds to
     the threshold between waking and sleeping consciousness in people
     and animals.  For normal waking consciousness to exist, the
     synapse transmission frequency for the brain (v') must satisfy
     the condition:

       v' must be greater than or equal to  N    /T


       N =  The total number of synapses in the brain (in humans,
            about 5E11)

       T =  Synaptic transmission delay time (the time interval
            required for the propagation of the excitation energy
            from one synapse to another)

     This theory ascribes consciousness to an association of the
     events occurring at any one synapse with events occurring at
     other synapses in the brain by means of a quantum mechanical
     propagation of information.  The sense of individual identity is
     an aspect of the continuity of the wave matrix residing in the
     brain [4].  



     By merely observing a phenomenon (resonating ones brain with it)
     one can affect the outcome, since the physical mechanisms in your
     brain are part of the wave matrix described by quantum mechanics. 
     The information handling rate in resonance determines the amount
     of effect, along with the elapsed time of resonance and the
     probability distribution of the phenomenon you are observing 
     [5].  According to Evan Harris Walker, quantum mechanical state
     selection can be biased by an observer if [5]:

       W te  is greater than or equal to  -Log  P(Qo-Qi)
        Q                                     2


          P(Qo-Qi) = Probability that state Qi will occur by chance   

               W   = Information handling rate in process in brain
                Q    associated with state vector selection (bits/sec)
                te = Elapsed time

                 Q = Overall state vector

                Qo = Initial physical state of system    

                Qi = State that manifests "paranormal" target event

     The effect of consciousness is incredibly small on macroscopic
     systems; but it can be measurable when it occurs on quantum
     mechanically defined and divergent systems, where a slight change
     can amplify itself as it propagates through the system.  The
     effect is about 1E-17 degrees on the angle of the bounce of cubes
     going down an inclined plane.  Changes in the angle of bounce
     result in changes in displacement of the cubes that increase
     about 50% on every bounce, and the effect is measurable after
     many bounces [6].  The theory successfully and quantitatively
     modeled the differing amounts of displacement observed in
     experiments on cubes of different weights and weight
     distributions  [5].  

     Walker also modeled information retrieval in "guess the card"
     experiments.  Simple, classical, random chance would predict a
     smooth, binomial curve for the probabilities of getting the right
     answer versus the number of subjects making successful
     predictions at these probabilities.  Walker's model predicts that
     the curve would have peaks at certain levels of probability of
     getting the right answer above those predicted by chance alone. 
     Experimental data showed peaks at the locations modeled. 
     However, more people were successful at the higher probability
     levels than Walker's model estimated.  This is considered to be
     evidence of learning enhancement  [5].



     Mr. Walker's ideas and equations would only be hypotheses if it
     weren't for the fact that they have been tested experimentally
     and found to predict the results of experiments with reasonable
     accuracy [4,5].  The evidence meets the usual rules of proof for
     scientific theory, and this makes Walker's equations legitimate
     scientific theory.  

     The non-local underlying wave patterns beneath manifestations of
     matter and energy that we hold in common with our surroundings
     allow us to influence reality and to obtain information about it
     using the power of the mind.  This underlying interconnecting
     pattern is the very stuff of consciousness  and manifests, not
     only as matter & energy, but also as psychokinesis, precognition
     and other phenomenon that are only now beginning to be recognized
     and embraced by some theories of modern physics. 


     Deflections caused by consciousness are not caused by force or
     energy in the conventional sense; but by something more subtle,
     namely effects within the underlying wave structure out of which
     matter and energy are manifestations (collapse of the state
     vector) [5].  

     To psychically obtain information about a target or to
     psychically influence events, one has to have one's brain
     resonating with aspects of reality interconnecting the brain with
     the target.  The more one's brain resonates with non-local
     aspects of reality connecting with a target, the more
     communication and direct influence one can have on it.

     The more fundamentally diverse the potential outcomes of a
     process targeted are, the more effect one gets from resonating
     ones brain with it  [5].  Also, the more small changes in the
     system tend to amplify as larger changes in the end result, the
     more effect one can get.  This provides an explanation of why
     patterns exist within seemingly random events and why successful
     magic often results in a chain of synchronicities.

     For a given subject (performing under optimum conditions and
     having no difficulty visualizing the nature of the experimental
     target nor psychological aversions to the target), the
     magnitudes of the results obtained in tasks to affect the
     readings on measuring devices (such as magnetometers, radiation
     detectors, Josephson effect devices, balances, etc.) can be
     related to one another by calculating the probability of the
     reading based on the standard physical principles of quantum
     mechanics  [5].

     The sporadic nature of psi phenomena can be explained as a
     matter of outside observers randomizing the process, causing
     dilution of will data channels and randomizing the results  [5]. 
     Thus, the need for secrecy in magical operations.

     One can no longer maintain the division between the observer and


     observed or between consciousness and the physical world. 
     Rather, both observer and observed, along with both consciousness
     and the material world, are merging and interpenetrating aspects
     of one whole indivisible reality  [1].  

     Whatever the subtle level of reality underlying matter and
     energy, we are that (including our consciousness).  If hidden
     variables exist, we are the hidden variables.  It has been
     theorized that consciousness is an inseparable aspect of this
     underlying reality.  When our awareness connects with the deepest
     layer of reality interconnecting everything, we may experience
     the level of consciousness beyond time and form reported by many
     mystics.  It is this non local structure that we share with
     nature that makes it possible to "attune to nature," to
     psychically participate in nature, and to live in accordance with

     What we are usually aware of (normal waking consciousness) is a
     relatively superficial movement in the order of things.  Behind
     the things we are aware of in waking consciousness are a vast
     array of less strongly linked phenomena.  This latter realm is
     commonly called the unconscious (and parts of it the
     subconscious).  The unconscious is not very accurate, since it
     forms a kind of ground of consciousness  [8].  Our awareness can
     link with this ground of consciousness to gain information and to
     influence events.


     At this point, I diverge from theory and describe some plausible
     hypotheses.  Consciousness, at a fundamental level, is associated
     with the continuity of the underlying structures out of which
     matter and energy manifest.  Everything shares this continuous
     structure; therefore everything has consciousness to some degree
     (though not necessarily normal waking consciousness).  

     Quoting from Evan Harris Walker (4):  "Consciousness may exist
     without being associated with either a living system or a data
     processing system.  Indeed, since everything that occurs is
     ultimately the result of one or more quantum mechanical events,
     the universe is 'inhabited' by an almost unlimited number of
     rather discrete, conscious, usually non-thinking entities that
     are responsible for the detailed working of the universe.  These
     conscious entities determine (or exist concurrently with the
     determination) singly the outcome of each quantum mechanical
     event, while the Schrodinger equation (to the extent that it is
     accurate) describes the physical constraint placed on their
     freedom of action collectively."

     In shamanic and in religious practice, one resonates with other
     intelligences to get their assistance, inviting them to join in
     the work at hand.  These intelligences can be thought of as
     consciousness resonance matrices.  Some may be localized, as we
     are (such as other biological intelligences, plant divas, power
     spot spirits, some deities, etc.); and some may be non localized
     (spirit animals in the other world, some deities, etc.). 


     The personalities of the Gods, Goddesses and spirits that many
     practitioners of religion relate to can also be thought of as
     consciousness resonance matrices.  They can be very non-specific
     and disperse, or very specific (such as the Orishas and other
     deities that can manifest in full possession of those who invoke


     Consider a typical structure of magical ritual and its quantum
     mechanical explanation:

     o Purify one's mind  and one's surroundings, freeing them of
       interfering resonances, quieting the static so that one can
       get a clear and strong resonance on the target desired.

     o Achieve a non-localized state of consciousness, often by
       resonating ones mind with ones inner being, with the Earth,
       the sky, and ones surroundings. 

     o Meditate on the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)
       representing non-local essences.  This helps your mind to
       resonate powerfully non-locally.

     o After reaching out with one's mind and connecting its
       resonance pattern intimately with the non-local web of wave
       patterns connecting everything, invoke deities whose natural
       function is related to the purpose of your ritual.  If
       successful, this connects your mind to a powerful,
       established, non-localized, intelligent resonance matrix that
       (hopefully) joins in the magic.

     o Focus on the target of the work, connecting with the target. 

     o While connected with the target, visualize the end result
       desired, thus creating a resonant template for the phenomenon
       one wants to achieve.

     o Energize the resonance through dance, drumming, chants, pure
       channeling of will power, or other means.

     o Release the energy into the target while strongly visualizing
       the target achieved (energizing the resonance in the target).

     o Ground,  removing ones mind from the direct, resonant link
       with the target, so that the patterns you have set in motion
       in the target can continue with minimum interference  (to
       throw a ball, one has to let go).

     o Thank and say goodbye to the intelligences one works with, thus
       disconnecting ones mind further from other resonance matrices.


     There are other forms of magic, and much more detail to the
     forms I described.  There are also ethical considerations.  This
     paper provides a description of some aspects of the integration
     of quantum mechanics with magickal thinking, but it does not
     cover everything.

     SO WHAT?
     To read about theories of magic is like reading about sports.
     You may pick up a few ideas; but to become proficient, you must
     participate and play the game.  People have been teaching and
     performing magic for thousands of years, without the benefit of
     quantum theory.  Many magicians have had to separate their
     scientific training from their magical practice.  Now, magical
     theory has been merged with scientific theory, and more of the
     mind of those trained in science can resonate with magic.  Also,
     critics of magic can be shown the scientific theory and data
     validating it, to show that there is more to magic than

     I have not seen any other quantitative scientific theories that
     explain the results of experiments on psychokinesis, extrasensory
     perception, and consciousness as accurately as Walker's theory,
     or that give as satisfying of an explanation of the
     synchronicities that I, as a worker of magic and a scientist,
     have observed from personal experience.  This is not to say that
     these ideas represent ultimate truth, that alternative theories
     no not exist, or that flaws will not be found and that
     alternative theories will not replace them.  I would welcome
     hearing from others who have additional information and insight
     into the applicability and limitations of the theories of modern
     Physics as applied to the occult.


     One interesting hypothesis is that of multiple universes.  As I
     understand it, this hypothesis states that all of the alternative
     possibilities allowed by quantum mechanics actually occur, but in
     different universes.  Magicians can interpret their magic as
     moving their awareness between these alternative universes.  I
     have never seen the multiple universe theory set up
     mathematically in a way that would allow it to be quantitatively
     tested, using physical measurements (like was done with Mr.
     Walker's theory),

     It  would be interesting to determine if and to what extent the
     multiple universe hypothesis can be integrated with Mr. Walker's
     theory.  Consciousness, acting at a gross level, seems to be
     relativistic - something experienced by observers relative to
     their frames of reference.  Consciousness, at its ultimate level,
     seems to be subtler than time and location.  


     When two observers see the same thing, they both may have certain
     experiences in common, they both may affect the thing observed,
     and they may report some of the events the same and some
     differently.  Experience may be categorized in a multiple
     universe mode and/or in a single universe mode.  If would be
     interesting to know which mode is most useful for various

     It is obvious that some people have such a different personal
     perception of reality as to be seemingly out of touch with the
     world we experience around them.  Their self-world image becomes
     more important than anything, and they adjust their memories and
     perceptions to meet whatever emotional needs they have at the
     time  [9].  Delusions of personal reality and the high
     probability that such realities are real for the person
     experiencing that reality can result in interesting questions
     about what is real and what is unreal.

     Although the universe may be a seamless whole, most physicists
     describe it in two different modes, depending on whether things
     are being observed or not  [7]:
     o A classical, mechanistic mode for the definite attributes of
       observation, and 

     o A statistical, mathematical, quantum mechanical mode for the
       wave patterns described by quantum mechanics.

     David Bohm has begun to develop new terminology that integrates
     both the process of observation and quantum theory  [1].



     1.     Bohm, David.  Wholeness and the Implicate Order, ARK
            Paperbacks, London, 1983.

     2.     Merzbacher, Eugene.  Quantum Mechanics, John Wiley and
            Sons, Inc., New York, 1967.

     3.     Bell, J.S.  "On the Problem of Hidden Variables in Quantum
            Mechanics, Review of Modern Physics 38, 447-452, 1966.

     4.     Walker, Evan H.  "The Nature of Consciousness,"
            Mathematical Biosciences 7, 1970.

     5.     Walker, Evan H.  The Complete Quantum Mechanical
            Anthropologist. U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratories,
            Aberdeen Proving ground, Maryland, presented at the 73rd
            Annual American Anthropological Association Meeting,
            Mexico City, November 19-24, 1974.

     6.     Walker, Evan H. and Nick Herbert.  "Hidden Variables:
            Where Physics and the Paranormal Meet," Future Science,
            edited by John White and Stanley Krippner, Anchor books,
            Garden City, New York, 1977.

     7.     Herbert, Nick. "Notes Toward A User's Guide to the Quantum
            Connection," Psychological Perspectives 38,  Jung
            Institute of Los Angeles, Spring-Summer 1988.

     8.     Bohm, David. "Consciousness and Self-Consciousness-A
            Working Paper," Psychological Perspectives 38,  Jung
            Institute of Los Angeles, Spring-Summer 1988.

     9.     Bohm, David. "Beyond Relativity and Quantum Mechanics,"
            Psychological Perspectives 38,  Jung Institute of Los
            Angeles, Spring-Summer 1988.

     10.    Bohm, David and Peat, David. Science Order and Creativity,
            Bantam, 1987.


     I used WordPerfect to write this article, and I used CompuServe B 
     protocol, Procomm 2.4.1 and an Everex Evercomm 24 modem to transmit it. 
     I don't know how to transmit Greek and many mathematical symbols with 
     this software and hardware.  As a result, I had to use non-standard 
     symbols in the equations.  Any suggestions?

     Note that "E" in numbers like 5E11 stands for five "times ten to
     the" eleventh power.


Next: Personal effects of Ritual (Nihasa)