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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at


                                  A Mother's Day Message 

          Everyone has a mother.  She is usually regarded with much love and
          affection, as the benign, loving presence in our childhood. That is,
          unless she was abusive, in which case her kids usually write books
          about her later.  But who could forget the apprehension and downright
          FEAR you'd have if you had pulled your sister's hair, or written on
          the walls with a crayon, or got caught snitching a cookie from the
          cookie jar. The fear was not that of an innocent victim of
          oppression, but of a wrongdoer facing just punishment.  The fear and
          loathing would inevitably subside after your behind would stop
          smarting, and she'd be back to being Benevolent Mom again.
               As it is with our mother, so is it with the  Earth Mother.  Those
          who live in harmony with Her prosper, their needs met from Her bounty.
          Those who do violence to Her, however, risk Her wrath.  The Mother is
          not just mild Demeter and sweet Parvati, but dark Hecate, the fierce
          Durga, and the absolutely horrifying Kali. She cares for us and loves
          us, and Her patience is near boundless. But Her patience has limits. 
          We live in a  time when more rape has been perpetrated  on Her than in
          any  other  time of  our existance  as a  species.  Her Body  has been
          defiled by mining  and over-building. Her  exhalations have been  made
          foul by the smoke of cars and factories. And from Her Sacred Body, the
          Anglo has extracted  what could  be the seeds  of our  extinction--the
          Uranium used in both weapons production and nuclear power.  The sacred
          Hopi prophecies speak of the world being defiled by "...a bowl full of
          ashes."  This  could  mean  the various  atmospheric  and  underground
          detonations  of nuclear  weapons, or  the accidents  at  Chernobyl and
          Three Mile Island.
               I  believe that this  Bowl Full Of  Ashes is not  only these, but
          refers to all the destruction we  have wrought on Our Mother.   I have
          had some  information revealed to me,  in a way that  seems to suggest
          that  the Mother  was speaking  to  me, both  through  Big Dreams  and
          through an uncanny transmission  I got while hanging out  at Sepulveda
          Dam Basin.  This is not a boast--this is something which I simply HAVE
          to talk about. We  who strive to walk  in harmony with The  Mother, be
          you Wiccan, or Shamanist, or just someone who cares, have an awesome
          responsibility.  Putting it simply, we are the ONLY FORCE STANDING
               Our  efforts might  not  be entirely  enough  to stay  Her  fury,
          considering  the  dramatic  upswing  in natural  disasters  that  have
          occured over the  last 10 years, but it  is obvious that WE  MUST TRY.
          Shamanism has been "rediscovered"  for a very basic reason.   It means
          the  possibility of healing this Planet and regaining awareness of Our
          Mother's will.  We must guard against this tradition being bastardized
          and  cheapened  by those  who commercialize  these  ways, and  be very
          careful  to not fall into the trap of  honoring Mother to the point of
          forgetting  the Sky Father, and forgetting that both Mother and Father
          are the ways that The Source Of All is revealed to us in a form we can
          understand.  We must  also be careful to  whom we reveal  information,
          being mindful  that an unstable mind  given some of this  knowledge is
          EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. But most importantly, Our Mother is calling us to
          restore our link with Her, and to work towards her healing.  We have a
          lot of work ahead of us.  Our very lives depend on it.
          For The Earth Mother...ALWAYS!!!!!

          Michelle Klein-Hass


Next: Memory & Perception, a new Model (Paul Seymour)