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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                              Dragon Trad and the Holy Grail 

                                    Cameron Mandrake   

          Recently we have discovered the significance of sharing water in our 

          circles.   This ritual should be warm  and meaningful.  This being the

          case  it should only  be shared by  members of the  coven and visitors

          should be excluded unless the visitor is VERY close to the group. 


          Someone  reads the  following  poem or  one that  is  written for  the



                                   Quest for the Grail 

                                     by C.J. Mandrake 

           I have sailed the seven seas. 

          I have walked the deserts of this world, 

          searching for clues and kin; 

          always awed by the stories that they told. 

          Time my only enemy, 

          every stone my friend; 

          carried by myth's fluid words, 

          looking for a gold cup 'round every bend. 


          Mountains loom before me: 

          The path, all but lost behind. 

          Arthur's song plays deep within me! 

          The Merlin's words dance within my mind! 

          ``The blessed cup that you seek, 

          it is the Mother's womb. 

          It has poured out all our world 

          and it will be your tomb.'' 


          Grail of Love 

          Grail of Light 

          Grail of Truth 

          Grail of Might 

          carry me to the very Fount of life. 


          I threw a coin in a wishing well: 

          My wish, the Grail to see. 

          When the waters stilled again 

          I beheld the Mystery. 

          The Cup is made of flesh and blood. 

          The secret of deep peace it lends. 

          I drink from it every day 

          and I share it with my friends. 


          One and one and one is three: 

          Three by three is nine. 

          The heart of the world I see, 

          the secret of the Grail is mine. 

          The Cup, it is a lotus flower 

          deep within my soul, 

          flaming with the love of Her: 

          The Goddess and I made whole. 




          The reader takes the chalice of water and drinks and the cup is passed

          around the  circle deosil, each person  taking a drink in  turn.  Each

          person may offer a thought before they drink.  This may be a thanks or

          an observation or anything that seems significant to the moment.  When

          the cup makes it  back to the reader,  he/she again drinks of  the cup

          and pours the remainder as a libation.  With the libation is said... 


          I partake of the Cup of Abundance.  I share this Cup with those around

          me.   I return what  is left to  the earth. <pours water  out onto the

          ground> And my Cup remains full. <holds cup to heart>  Blessed Be. 


          This rite is very good  for group binding.   Last time we did this  we

          drank water from the Chalice Well in Glastonbury that one of the coven

          members brought back from vacation. 


          Enjoy!  And Bright Blessings. 





          ... Copyright 1992 - DragonHart Coven - All Rights Reserved 


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