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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at


                         Bibliography Of Magick In Science Fiction 
                                     Magenta Griffith 

             Abbey, Lynn     Daughter Of The Bright Moon
                             The Guardians

             Anderson, Poul  Operation Chaos
                             Mermaid's Children

             Blish, James    Black Easter

             Bradley, Marion Z    Darkover  series,   especially  The  Forbidden

             Crowley, Aleister    Diary of a Drug Fiend

             DeCamp, L. Sprague &      The Complete Enchanter, Wall of Serpents
             Fletcher Pratt

             DeLint, Charles      Moonheart

             Eddings, David       Pawn of Prophecy
                                  Queen of Sorcery
                                  Magician's Gambit
                                  Castle of Wizardry
                                  Enchanter's Endgame

             Farrar, Stewart      Omega

             Fortune, Dion        Sea Priestess
                                  Moon Magic
                                  Winged Bull
                                  The Goat Foot God

             Garrett, Randall     Too Many Magicians
                                  Murder and Magic
                                  Lord D'Arcy Investigates

             Heinlein, Robert A   Stranger in a Strange Land
                                  Waldo & Magic Inc.

             Kurtz, Katherine     Deryni Rising
                                  Deryni Checkmate
                                  High Deryni
                                  Lammas Night

             LeGuin, Ursula K     A Wizard of Earthsea

             Lovecraft, H. P.     The Shadow out of Time
                                  At the Mountains of Madness
                                  The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward

             Miesel, Sandra       Dreamrider

             Norton, Andre        Witch World Series

             Paxton, Diana        Brisingamen


                     Bibliography Of Magick In Science Fiction (cont.) 
                                     Magenta Griffith 

             Sky, Kathleen        Witchdame

             Tolkien, J.R.R       The Hobbit
                                  Lord of the Rings

             Walton, Evangeline   Island of the Mighty
                                  Song of Rhiannon
                                  Prince of Annwn
                                  The Children Of Lyr
             Wilson, Robert Anton &     Illuminatus! Trilogy
             Robert Shea

             Zelazny, Roger  Chronicles of Amber


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