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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

          CompuServe Full Moon Ritual of July 13, 1992
          (1-4,Shadow Hawk)  We are gathered together in this Ritual of the
               Full Moon, where we join and pay homage to the Divine 
               Mother, Mother of us all. From the corners of the Country, I
               send my Will, starting in the North I cast a line of Fire
               around the country, moving Eastward, then South, Then West,
               and Back to the  North.  We are encompassed in a circle of
               Fire that protects our Sacred Space.
          (1-4,Shadow Hawk)  Let us gather and call the Spirits of the 4   
               directions to come and join us in this our Rite.
          (1-4,Shadow Hawk)  Please face your thoughts to the West.
               Hail to the Lord of the West, Poseiden, Scaled God of       
               Water, Ruler of the Deep, Master of Wave and Fin, I bid     
               thee come to our Circle and worship at the feet of the      
               Lady.  Be Here Now!
          (1-4,Shadow Hawk)  Now, turn your thoughts to the North...
               Hail to the Lord of the North, Cernunnos, Horned God of
               Earth, Ruler of Life, Master of Leaf and Earthbound
               creature, I bid thee come to our Circle and worship at the  
               feet of the Lady.  Be Here Now!
          (1-4,Shadow Hawk)  Please turn your thoughts to the East...
               Hail to the Lord of the East, Quetzalcoatl, Feathered God   
               of Air, Ruler of Wisdom, Master of Wind and Winged, I bid   
               thee come to our circle and worship at the feet of the Lady. 
               Be here Now!
          (1-4,Shadow Hawk)  Now, turn your thoughts to the South...
               Hail to the Lord of the South, Apollo, Brilliant God of
               Fire, Ruler of Inspiration, Master of Light and Spirit, I   
               bid thee come to our circle and worship at the feet of the  
               Lady.  Be Here Now!
          (1-4,Shadow Hawk)  The Circle is cast, we are in the space
               between the worlds, where Time and Space cease to exist. 
               Let none disturb the boundaries without dire cause.
          (1-4,Shadow Hawk)  Now we turn out thoughts to the Divine
               Consort, the Horned God.
               Hail to the God as one, Consort, Father, Son.  I bid thee
               come to the Circle of Life, and worship at the feet of Our
               Lady.  Be Here Now!
          (1-4,Cernunnos) Now join me as I call my Love, she in who's light
               we are here...
               Hail to Our Lady, in whose eyes the stars do shine forth and
               upon whose brow the Moon doth ride.  Lady, your children
               call to you from within your Sacred Space.  We bid you come
               and let us Feel your touch.  You who will deny your children
               naught.  We are at your feet in Wonder and Awe.  Welcome to
               this your Circle.


          (1-4,Cernunnos) We are in the Place between the Worlds, Beyond
               Time and Space, and in the presence of the Goddesses and
               Gods.  Let none leave this space without grave cause.
          (1-4,Cernunnos) Welcome the Divine Lady, Gracious Goddess and
               Mother of us all.
               I call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all
               fruitfulness; by seed and root, by stem and bud, by leaf and
               flower and fruit, by life and love do I invoke thee to
               descend upon the body of this thy Circle and thy
          (1-4,Cernunnos)   Hail Aradia!  From the Almathean horn Pour
               forth thy store of love; I lowly bend before thee, I adore
               thee to the end, with loving sacrifice thy shrine adorn. 
               Thy foot is to my lip, my prayer upborne upon the rising
               incense smoke; then spend thine ancient love, O Mighty One,
               descend to Aid me, who without thee am forlorn.
          (1-4,Cernunnos)   Thou art the Mother Darksome and Divine, Yours
               the scourge and yours the Kiss, the Five-point star of love
               and bliss, bless us with your sign.
          (1-4,Cernunnos) Listen to the words of the Great Mother, she whom
               of old was also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athena,
               Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod,
               Isis, Brid, and by many other names.
          (1-4,Cernunnos)  "Whenever you have need of any thing, once in
               the month, and better it be when the Moon is full, then
               shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit
               of Her, who is Queen of all witches.
               There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all
               sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets, to these will
               She teach things that are yet unknown.  And ye shall be free
               from slavery, and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall
               be naked in your rites, and ye shall dance, sing, feast,
               make music and love, all in Her praise.  For Hers is the
               secret door that opens upon the Land of Youth, and Hers is
               the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen,
               which is the Holy Grail of Immortality.  She is the Gracious
               Goddess, who gives the gift of Joy unto the hearts of Man. 
               Upon Earth, She gives knowledge of the spirit eternal, and
               beyond death, She gives peace, and freedom, and reunion with
               those who have gone before.  Nor does She demand sacrifice,
               for behold, She is the Mother of all living, and her Love is
               poured out upon the Earth."
          (1-4,Cernunnos)  Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess, she in
          the dust of whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, and whose body
          encircles the Universe.
          (1-4,Cernunnos)  "She who is the beauty of the green Earth, and
               the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the


               waters, and the desire of the hearts of man, calls unto thy
               soul.  Arise, and come unto Her.
               For She is the soul of Nature, who gives life to the
               universe.  From Her all things proceed, and unto Her all
               things must return, and before Her face, beloved of Gods and
               of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the
               rapture of the infinite.  Let Her worship be within the
               heart that rejoiceth, for behold, all acts of love and
               pleasure are Her rituals.  And therefore let there be beauty
               and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility,
               mirth and reverence within you.  And thou who thinkest to
               seek for Her, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee
               not, unless thou knowest the mystery, that if what thou
               seekest thou findest not within thee, then thou shalt never
               find it without thee.  For behold, She has been with thee
               from the beginning, and She is that which is attained at the
               end of desire."
               Absorb Her Blessings and her words.  Feel them resonate in
               your core.

          (1-4,S.H.)   If there are any here that have a petition to bring
               before the Lady, please do so now.
               If there are any objects to be charged, please bring them
               forth now.
          <At this point, petitions and objects were presented to the Lady
          and the Circle for blessings--this section is deleted due to
          mention of names of non-participants>
          (1-3,S.H.) Now is the time for the Great Rite.  Please take your
               knife in one hand...and your chalice in the other.
               Place the tip of the knife in the chalice and say,
                 "As the chalice is to the Woman
                 So the Athame is to the Man
                 And when the two become one,
                 The greatest magic is begun!"
               Now dip your atheme into the chalice to energize the
               lifeforce within it.
               Blessed Be, So mote it be!
          (1-3,S.H.) Now, take the Atheme (knife) over the bread/cake..
          (1-3,S.H.) Lady, we come before you with love in our heart and
               awe in our eyes, asking you to give us your blessings and
               pour your blessings on the fruit of the vine and the field,
               that we may be filled with your blessings.
               So mote it be, Blessed be!
          (1-3,S.H.) Draw a pentagram on the bread with the knife.
               Now, eat of the bread and drink of the wine, saving some
               portion for offering to the creatures of the Lady later.
          (1-3,S.H.) Now it's time to bid farewell to the Lady and the


          (1-3,S.H.) Hail Mother of us all, we thank you for attending this
               our Rite, and for your blessings and love that you have
               poured forth upon us your children.  Blessed be thy Name.
          (1-3.S.H.) Hail Lord of the Dance, we thank you for attending
               this our Rite, and for your presence and love that you have
               poured forth upon us your children.  Blessed be thy Name.
          (1-3,S.H.) Now we turn our attention to the South
               Hail Lord of the South, Lord of Fire, we thank you for your
               presence and the Light and warmth that you shed upon us. 
               Farewell and Blessed Be.
          (1-3,S.H.) Now we turn our attention to the East....
               Hail Lord of the East, Lord of Air, we thank you for your
               presence and the Air that you bring to us that life may be
               sustained.  Farewell and Blessed Be.
          (1-3,S.H.) Now we turn our attention to the North....
               Hail Lord of the North, Lord of Earth, we thank you for your
               presence and the harvest from your fields that feed and
               shelter us.  Farewell and Blessed Be.
          (1-3,S.H.) Now we turn our attention to the West....
               Hail Lord of the West, Lord of Water, we thank you for your
               presence and the blood of your body to slake our thirst and
               the thirst of the fields.  Farewell and Blessed Be.
          (1-3,S.H.) Now I send my Will to the North, and I walk the
               Circle of Fire, I quench your thirst...
               Down down into the ground...
               Nevermore to be found...
               Spread your life throughout the land...
               That all may feel your blessing.
               So Mote it Be!
               Blessed Be!
               The Circle is Open, Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet
          (1-3,S.H.) Blessed Be all!


Next: MoonJUN.92