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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

          October 12, 1992
          Led by Baba Yaga (Grandmother Owl) with Shadow Hawk and Rilla

          (1-3,Baba Yaga) I also wanted to remind everyone that if you are
          someone who feels
          (1-3,Baba Yaga) that Columbus isn't your A#1 hero, we can put in a
          polite bow to the
          (1-3,Baba Yaga) residents of Turtle Island were here to greet him.
          (1-3,Baba Yaga) The strange words you'll see in the ritual are Chero-
          kee for the
          (1-3,Baba Yaga) guardians of the Quarters, the God, Goddess and

          (1-1,S.H.) striking chime once

          (1-1,S.H.) Relax your bodies, feel the tension flow out of them....
          (1-1,S.H.) send your awareness down, down, into your feet...
          (1-1,S.H.) and from your feet, feel the connection to the earth
          pulling at you
          (1-1,S.H.) slowly, begin to breath deep...
          (1-1,S.H.) and with each breath you take, fill your body with en-
          (1-1,S.H.) and with each exhale, push it down through your feet into
          the earth...
          (1-1,S.H.) the connection grows stronger, and the barriers break down
          (1-1,S.H.) breath by breath, wall by wall, and the earth becomes alive
          (1-1,S.H.) beneath you.
          (1-1,S.H.) Now, as you inhale, let the energy flow completely through
          you into the
          (1-1,S.H.) and as you exhale, begin to pull energy from the earth up
          into your
          (1-1,S.H.) you are awash in the energies of Father Sky and Mother
          Earth, they
          (1-1,S.H.) are cleansing and balancing your body with each breath you
          (1-1,S.H.) Air and Earth, you are balancing, you are grounding, you
          (1-1,S.H.) attaining peace and harmony with our Mother and our Father-
          (1-1,S.H.) Breath gently, and be at one.

          (1-3,Baba Yaga) (moving to the east and raising my athame high)

          (1-3,Baba Yaga) This athame is the symbol of Air, the element of the
          (1-3,Baba Yaga) I summon the powers of the East, the winds of thought
          (1-3,Baba Yaga) the storms of inspiration and learning. Here arises
          Awahili, the


          (1-3,Baba Yaga) where the sun does ever shine. Give to us the wisdom
          of the east.
          (1-3,Baba Yaga) We invite these spirits to this our celebration of
          their powers.

          (1-3,Baba Yaga) (Walking around circle drawing it with the Athame)
          (1-3,Baba Yaga) (lighting candle)

          (1-1,S.H.) (moving to the South)
          (1-1,S.H.) (taking breath, and raising Wand high)

          (1-1,S.H.) This Wand is the symbol of Fire, the Element of the South. 
          (1-1,S.H.) summon the powers of the South, the fires of directed will,
          (1-1,S.H.) energy and spirit.  Here dwells Tsistu, the Rabbit, the
          (1-1,S.H.) in the direction we are always facing.  Grant us the
          ability to
          (1-1,S.H.) attune ourselves to the energy of the South.  We invite
          (1-1,S.H.) Spirits to lend us their aid in our work tonight.

          (1-1,S.H.) (walking Circle, sending fire though the wand, outlining
          the circle of

          (1-3,BYaga) (Moving to the West. Picking Up small bowl of clear water
          (1-3,BYaga) Holding water over head facing west)

          (1-3,BYaga) This water is the essence of Water, the Element of the
          West. ...
          (1-3,BYaga) I summon the powers of emotion and love, understanding and
          (1-3,BYaga) Here dwells Yanu, the Bear, where the sun lies down and
          dies ...
          (1-3,BYaga) It is the home of the thunders: the source of knowledge of
          our inner
          (1-3,BYaga) beings. Grant us thy inner peace and understanding. ...
          (1-3,BYaga) We invite these spirits to permeate all that we do here.

          (1-3,BYaga) (Walking around circle sprinkling water, drawing circle
          with stream of
          (1-3,BYaga) (lighting candle)

          (1-1,S.H.) ~(I move to the North and raise a container of Salt high)

          (1-1,S.H.)  This Salt is the symbol of Earth, the Element of the
          North.  We
          (1-1,S.H.) summon the strength and protection of the rocks and the
          trees, the


          (1-1,S.H.) stability of the stones which are the bones of the People. 
          (1-1,S.H.) dwells Yunsu, the Buffalo, in the home of the white giant
          (1-1,S.H.) whose mouth streams the cleansing wind.  Grant to us thy
          (1-1,S.H.) ancient wisdom, cleansing and stability.  We invite these
          (1-1,S.H.) to give reality to all that we do here.

          (1-1,S.H.) (walking the Circle, outlining the Circle with Salt)
          (1-1,S.H.) (moving towards the Altar)
          (1-3,BYaga) (moving towards altar)
          (1-8,Rilla) <standing at altar>
          (1-1,S.H.) (joining Rilla at the Altar)

          (1-8,Rilla) Great Goddess, Maiden, Mother, Crone...
          (1-8,Rilla) spread wide your wings of silver moonlight over us...
          (1-8,Rilla) Give thy blessing to us and to these rites we do...
          (1-8,Rilla) in your name.  Grandmother Earth, Agisagua, Grant us
          (1-8,Rilla) peace and thy blessing...

          (1-8,Rilla) <lighting Goddess Candle>

          (1-1,S.H.) Mighty God of the Golden Sun, the Winter's cold, bring your
          (1-1,S.H.) beaming face to our circle.  Galunlati, Father Sky, Great
          (1-1,S.H.) Mysterious of the cosmos; give thy blessing to these rites
          we do in your

          (1-1,S.H.) (lights God Candle)
          (1-1,S.H.) (lighting Yellow Candle)

          (1-3,BYaga) Like  the radiating cords of the spider's web...
          (1-3,BYaga) All paths lead to the center. and like the circling
          threads, ...
          (1-3,BYaga) each one of us is linked, one to all others. Spirits
          dwelling here,
          (1-3,BYaga) old ones, ancestors, Agayunli, Nunahe, be welcome ...
          (1-3,BYaga) here we are all one. We are the Stone Peoples...
          (1-3,BYaga) the community of the religions of the Mother Earth and the
          Father Sky.

          (1-3,BYaga) (Lighting red Candle)
          (1-3,BYaga) (Picking up silver cup filled with clear spring water...
          (1-3,BYaga) holding the cup up towards the full moon)

          (1-8,Rilla) Silver Lady, Mother of Dreams, Night Sister...
          (1-8,Rilla) Lift your sacred circle---see your reflection here.

          (1-8,Rilla) <looking up at the moon>

          (1-1,S.H.) In Shadow do we search.
          (1-1,S.H.) To the Darkness you bring welcome light!


          (1-3,BYaga) (looking at the Moon)
          (1-1,S.H.) (looking up at the moon)

          (1-3,BYaga) Lady Moon, your silver face reflects upon this water. ...
          (1-3,BYaga) Reach down and give  your face unto this mirror here. ...
          (1-3,BYaga) Come to us Lady: come. We, your children ask you. ...
          (1-3,BYaga) Moon Web, Silver Thread....
          (1-3,BYaga) Spin to us.
          (1-8,Rilla) Moon Web, Silver Thread, Spin to us.
          (1-3,BYaga) Moon Web, Silver Thread....
          (1-1,S.H.) moon Web, Silver Thread, spin to Us.
          (1-3,BYaga) Spin to us.
          (1-1,S.H.) Moon Web, Silver Thread, Spin to us.
          (1-8,Rilla) Moon Web, Silver Thread, Spin to us.

          (1-3,BYaga) (bringing cup down to level with my heart)  
          (1-3,BYaga) (staring into water there)

          (1-1,S.H.) Moon Web, Silver Thread, Spin to US!
          (1-3,BYaga) Moon I name You, Moon you be
          (1-8,Rilla) Moon, I name you. Moon you be.
          (1-1,S.H.) MOON, I name you, Moon you be.

          (1-3,BYaga) (Drinking from cup of moonlight)
          (1-3,BYaga) (Passing cup to Shadow Hawk)

          (1-3,BYaga) Drink Deep of Moonsilver ...
          (1-3,BYaga) Be one with Moonlight.

          (1-1,S.H.) (taking draught)
          (1-1,S.H.) (passing chalice to Rilla)
          (1-8,Rilla) <drinking>

          (1-3,BYaga) Drink Rilla, Drink Deep of Moonsilver ...
          (1-3,BYaga) Be one with Moonlight.
          (1-1,S.H.) Rilla, Drink, drink deep of Moonsilver.  Be one with the

          (1-8,Rilla) <passing chalice to Helen>

          (1-3,BYaga) Helen, Drink Deep of Moonsilver ...

          (1-5,Helen Larkin) <drinking.. passing chalice>

          (1-3,BYaga) Be one with Moonlight.

          (1-5,Helen Larkin) <to Ray>
          <passing chalice>

          (1-3,BYaga) Ray Drink Deep of Moonsilver ...
          (1-3,BYaga) Be one with Moonlight.

          <to babayaga>


          (1-3,BYaga) Taking chalice and picking up sprig of lemon balm
          (1-3,BYaga) (Dipping lemon balm leaf in...
          (1-3,BYaga) the cup, shaking drops of moon water over Shadow Hawk)

          (1-3,BYaga) Moon Washed, Love and light...
          (1-3,BYaga) She brings.

          (1-3,BYaga) (Dipping lemon balm leaf in...
          (1-3,BYaga) the cup, shaking drops of moon water over Rilla ...
          (1-3,BYaga) and sending with it healing power from our ritual)

          (1-3,BYaga) Moon Washed, Love and light...
          (1-3,BYaga) She brings.

          (1-3,BYaga) (Dipping lemon balm leaf in...
          (1-3,BYaga) the cup, shaking drops of moon water and protection over

          (1-3,BYaga) Moon Washed, Love and light...
          (1-3,BYaga) She brings.

          (1-3,BYaga) (Dipping lemon balm leaf in...
          (1-3,BYaga) the cup, shaking moon water  over Ray)

          (1-3,BYaga) Moon Washed, Love and light...
          (1-3,BYaga) She brings.

          (1-3,BYaga) (Dipping lemon balm leaf in...
          (1-3,BYaga) the cup, shaking moon water over myself, making face)

          (1-3,BYaga) Moon Washed, Love and light...
          (1-3,BYaga) She brings.

          (1-3,BYaga) (pouring a drop of the moon water on the ground(floor))
          (1-3,BYaga) (touching floor with foot)
          (1-1,S.H.) ~(touching ground)
          (1-8,Rilla) <touching ground> <placing symbols on the earth>

          (1-3,BYaga) As we take power to keep, We return power to its source...
          (1-3,BYaga) So Mote it Be
          (1-8,Rilla) So Mote it Be!

          (1-1,S.H.) As we take Power to keep
          (1-1,S.H.) We return Power to its source
          (1-1,S.H.) So mote it be.
          (1-3,BYaga) So Mote it Be
          (1-1,S.H.) So mote it be!

          (1-3,BYaga) (motioning to the directions as they are named)

          (1-3,BYaga) Air, Fire, Water, and Earth

          (1-3,BYaga) (motioning above and below)

          (1-3,BYaga) Power of Moon and Sun. ...


          (1-3,BYaga) Be within us always. As we leave this place between the
          worlds. ...
          (1-3,BYaga) As we walk again upon the ordinary ground. What we did
          here is ever part
          of us ...
          (1-3,BYaga) We are power, we are change; our circle is opened...
          (1-3,BYaga) Blessed Be

          (1-3,BYaga) (opening arms wide to take in the whole circle)

          (1-8,Rilla) Blessed Be!!
          (1-1,S.H.) Blessed Be!
          Blessed be

          (1-3,BYaga) (hugging  Rilla, Hugging Shadow Hawk, Hugging Ray, Hugging
          (1-1,S.H.) (hugging hug junkies)
          (1-8,Rilla Hugging all....beautiful ritual, Baba!



          Awahili is Cherokee for Eagle, the spirit keeper of the East. This is
          the messenger
          to the powers and the bird of the chieftain.

          Sistu is Cherokee for Rabbit. the spirit keeper of the South for the
          Woodland Indians. Western Indians use the Coyote her. In any case it
          teaching through humor or by showing how NOT to do things. Think of
          the B'rer Rabbit
          stories: "Please 
          don thro me in dat briar patch!"


          Yanu is Cherokee for Bear, the spirit keeper of the West. Yanu is the
          healer, she
          who gave the sweat lodge to the people and the bear is the chief of
          the council of
          the four-leggeds. The thunders are 'chancy' powers, sometimes good and

          Yunsu is Cherokee for Buffalo, the spirit keeper of the North. Yes,
          buffalo once
          roamed a lot of the East! The buffalo provides for our mundane needs
          with food,
          clothing, shelter and, in the planes, fuel. For the Sioux (Lakota) the
          buffalo also
          gives the sacred pipe to the people, their communication with the

          Agisegua is the Great female or Great Doe of the Cherokee. There are
          other female
          power figures which might have been used including the Corn Mother.

          Galunlati is 'him above' in Cherokee and is one of many possible names
          for deity

          Agayunli means "old" and refers to 'ancestors'; the grandmothers and
          who are the wise ones. 'Grandmother' and/or 'Grandfather' were used as
          address to persons considered wise without regard to actual kinship.

          Nunahi are the spirits and totems which surround us. It might be
          translated as the


Next: MoonSEP.92