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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

     I looked through all my information, but as far as the Seminoles go
I couldn't find any reference to the Badger.  I'm not saying that it
doesn't exist, I just couldn't find any.  Here is something from one of
my books that I thought you might find interesting:

     "Badgers are 2-3 feet long and are about 12 inches high.  Family
members mark each other with scent for recognition since their sight
is poor.  Their senses of smell and hearing, however, are excellent.
Their diet includes a wide variety of roots, herbs, plant, and many
small animals.  They dig with remarkable speed to catch burrowing prey
and when they need to get underground quickly.  Badgers live in simple
but extremely clean, well kept dens.  They pay close attention to
details within their home environments.  They change their bedding
often, backing carefully into their dens with straw, so as not to make
a mess in the process.

     Badgers bring us gifts of tidiness and organization.  They are
fastidious about their surroundings and will correct any disorder
quickly.  If Badger has come to you in some way, it may be saying that
you need to concentrate on maintaining an orderly environment to better
facilitate your day to day living.  Badger can also be helpful to call
upon for aid in managing your time.  This can be useful for those of us
who are trying to satisfy our need to devote time to ceremonies and the
spirit realm and still work a job.

     Badger will fight to the death if cornered.  While this may be a
useful trait in the wild, men used this quality of Badger to exploit it
in the so-called sport of Badger-baiting.  Captured Badgers were put
into small enclosed areas with a dog or dogs, and bets were placed on
the outcome of the fight.  Are you stuck in a pattern that served you
well once, but is now damaging?  Badger could be warning you that a
change of behavior is in order if you don't want to be cornered or

     [From _Animal Energies_ by Gary Buffalo Horn Man and Sherry
     Firedancer - Dancing Otter Publishing]

Here's something I think you might find interesting.

It's from a book on Zuni fetishes. (Author: Hal Zina Bennett)

BADGER (Guardian of the South)
   Zuni name: Black Mark face

Wide, bulky, compact body, spread out along the ground, legs and tail
barely suggested.  Narrow, blunt face, prominent nose.
(Describing the fetish itself)

This fetish helps you focus your attention and deepen your passion.
It is an antidote to passivity and 'victimized' feelings.  It helps you
become more tenacious and grounded, for achieving any goal.

If you are a Badger person, you are aggressive, highly goal oriented,
able to concentrate on a single task or mission for long periods; and a
good provider.


Next: Imbolc at the Covenstead (Erin)