11 Cf. Rom. i. 18-23.

12 e0k pollh=j sunousi/aj ginome/nhj peri\ to\ pra=gma au0to\, kai\ tou= suzh=n.

13 Cf. Plato, Phaedo [lxvi. p. 118. S.]

14 kai\ ta\ a0o/rata to= Qeou=, kai\ ta\j i/de=aj fantasqe/ntej a0po\ th=j kti/sewj tou= ko/smou, kai\ tw=n ai0sqhtw=n, a0y' w[n a0nabai/nousin e0pi\ ta\ noou/mena: th\n te a0i>\/dion au0tou= du/naminn kai\ qeio/thta ou0k a0gennw=j i0do/ntej, etc.

15 Rom. i. 25.

16 Cf. 1 Cor. i. 27, 28, 29.

17 e0pithdei/oij.

18 kai\ ti/ni tw=n e0n h9mi=n. Boherellus understands o#moioj, which has been adopted in the translation.

19 Cf. Matt. v. 8.

20 Hos. x. 12.: fwti/sate e9autoi=j fw=j gnw/sewj (LXX.). The Masoretic text is, t(wE; rynI Mkel/ w@dynI

, where for t(wE;

(and time) the Septuagint translator apparently read t(ad@a

(knowledge), d

21 Cf. John i. 3, 4.

22 to/n )xlhqin/n u#&ir#&/)i/ Nohto#$n

23 Cf. 2 Cor. iv. 6.

24 Ps. xxxvii. 1 (attributed to David).

25 Ps. cxix. 105.

26 Ps. iv. 6 (Heb. "Lift up upon us," etc.)

27 Ps. xxxvi. 9.

28 Cf. Isa. lx. 1.

29 Cf. Isa. ix. 2.

30 Cf. Isa. ix. 2.

31 e0nqousia[n.

32 Cf. Matt. xxv. 4.

33 kefali/da bibli/ou.

34 ou0ai/: cf. Ezek. ii. 9, 10.

35 Cf. Rev. x. 9.

36 2 Cor. xii. 4.

37 Cf. Rev. x. 4.

38 polla/kij de\ h!dh o9 Ke/llsoj qrullh/saj w9j a0ciou/menon eu0qe/wj pisteu/ein, w0j kaino/n ti para\ ta\ pro/teron ei0rhme/na. Guietus thus amends the passage: pollaxkij de\ h!dh o9 Ke/lsoj a0cio/menoj eu0qe/wj pisteu/ein, w9j kaino/n ti para\ ta\ para\ ta\ pro/teron ei0rhme/na qrullh/saj, etc. Boherellus would change a0ciou/menon into a0ciou=men.

39 paidei/a a0nece/legktoj plana=tai: cf. Prov. x. 17 (Sept.).

40 gnw=sij a0sune/tou a0diece/tastoi lo/goi: cf. Ecclus. xxi. 18.

41 ou0 terateu/etai.

42 The night before Ariston brought Plato to Socrates as his pupil, the latter dreamed that a swan from the altar of Cupid alighted on his bosom. Cf. Pausanias in Atticis, p. 58.

43 "Alicubi forsan occurrit: me vero uspiam legisse non memini. Credo Platonem per tertium oculum suam poluma/qeian et scientiam, quĆ¢ ceteris anteibat, denotare voluisse." - Spencer.

44 Plato, Epist., vi.

45 w[n e$n me\n o!noma: deu/teron de\ lo/goj: to\ de\ tri/ton ei!dwlon: to\ te/tarton de\ d0pisth/mh.

46 trano/teron fh/somen e0n th= yuxh= gino/menon meta\ to\n lo/gon tw=n trauma/twn tu/pon, tou=ton ei\nai to\n e0n e9ka/stw| Xristo\n, a0po Xristou= Lo/gou.

47 to\ mhde/n.

48 ei0kh= pisteu/onti.

49 1 Cor. xv. 2.

50 [p. 41. S.]

51 tou= dhmiourgou=.

52 Cf. Col. iv. 6.

53 xqe\j kai\ prw/hn.

54 koino\n de\ pa/ntwn h@ kai\ pro/xeiron. For h!, Boherellus reads h\.

55 oi9 ga\r o9moi/wj Kelsw= u9polabo/ntej teterateu=sqai. The word o\moi/wj formerly stood, in the text of Spencer and Ruaeus, before teterate=sqai, but is properly expunged, as arising from the preceding o9moi/wj. Boherellus remarks: "Forte aliud quid exciderit, verbi gratiĆ¢, Forte aliud quid exciderit, verbi gratia, ta\ tou= Ihsou=."

56 terateu/sasqai.

57 to\ ou0de/n.

58 Cf. Acts viii. 10 [and vol. i. p. 187, this series].

59 Cf. Acts v. 36, 37.

60 Cf. 1 Cor. iii. 19.

61 peplasme/non h9mi=n.

62 h\qoj ga\g a0nqrw/peion me\n ou0k ou0k e!xei gnw/maj, qei=on de\ e!xei.

63 Cf. Plato's Apolog., v.

64 metri/wn o!ntwn.

65 Cf. Wisd. of Sol. ix. 6.

66 te/leioi.

67 Heb. v. 14.

68 Ps. xlix. 9, 10. (LXX.).

69 gnw=sij.

70 1 Cor. xii. 8, 9. [See Gieseler's Church History, on "The Alexandrian Theology," vol. i. p. 212. S.]

71 tou\j mh\ ai0sxunome/nouj e0n tw= toi=j a0yu/xoij proslalei=n, kai\ peri\ me\n u0lei/aj to\ a0sqene\j e0pikaloume/nouj, peri\ de\ zwh=j to\ nekro\n a0ciou=ntaj, peri\ de\ e0pikouri/aj to\ a0porw/taton i9keteuontaj.

72 banau/swn.

73 tou\j e0sxa/touj.

74 go/htaj.

75 protropa/dhn.