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1991 Crop Circles

                (word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2)
                      Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
                           Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
                                    PO BOX 1031
                                Mesquite, TX 75150

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                                 November 26, 1991

              This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Jim Shaffer.
       From   : [email protected]      (Sheldon
       Subject: 1991 Crop Circles
       Date   : 21 Oct 91 03:08:00 GMT

       Michael Chorost, Director of North American Circle, P.O. Box 61144
       Durham, NC 27715-1144 has just sent me a copy of his latest report
       entitled _The Summer 1991 Crop Circles: The Data Emerges_,
       published by the Fund for UFO Research, P.O. Box 277, Mt. Ranier,
       MD 20712. What follows is extracted from his report.

       Marshall Dudley believes he has identified yttrium-88 and bismuth-
       205 in soil samples taken from the oval formation at Beckhampton,
       U.K. formed on August 2/3, 1991.

       These are non-naturally occurring  short-lived  isotopes,  so  their
       presence, once confirmed, will be of great interest.  (Y-88's  half-
       life is 107 days; Bi-205's is 15.3 days.)

       The samples also registered sky-high alpha/beta particle readings of
       198% / 45%  respectively when compared to control samples. Dudley is
       a systems engineer  for  Tennelec/Nucleus  of  Oak  Ridge,  TN,  and
       manufactures gas flow  counters, which are instruments  designed  to
       detect extremely minute quantities of alpha and beta radiation.

       Dr. W.C. Levengood, a biophysicist living in Michigan, specializing
       in plant and   seed  development,  has  also  made  some  remarkable
       discoveries. One was that the growth  nodes  on  plants  taken  from
       within authentic circles had become significantly enlarged when
       compared to control plants.

       He hypothesizes that some energy input, possibly  heat,  caused  the
       cells in those nodes to swell, causing lasting but not fatal damage.
       Mechanically hoaxed circles did not exhibit the same effect.

       Secondly, Levengood discovered   a  high  incidence  (40%)  of  seed
       malformation in plants taken from  the  Newton  St.  Loe  formation,
       whereas virtually all control seeds were normal.

       Thirdly, microscopic examination of the node cells revealed that the
       pits in their cell walls had become larger and more visible. This is
       what Levengood hypothesizes would occur if something heated the

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       water inside the  cells  so  rapidly that the cell walls swelled and
       forced the pits to expand.

       Michael also mentions the plasma vortex quintuplet sets that I have
       observed, photographed/video-taped, and previously posted applicable
       documentation about on this echo.

       There is much  more  information   and  substantiation  in  Michaels
       report, which I would be happy to share with those interested.

       Michael's conclusions are summarized as follows:

            1) The phenomenon induces radiation anomalies.
            2) It appears the plants are heated both rapidly  and  briefly.
            3) Plants are sometimes scorched, particularly grasses.
            4) Plant  cell  walls swell, elongating cell wall pits, leaving
               "stretch marks".
            5) Induced developmental anomalies in seeds.
            6) The circles may correlate  with  aquifers  (water  saturated
               rocks such as chalk and limestone)
            7) The  circles  do correlate, at least grossly,  with  ancient
            8) The quintuplet may be artificially duplicable.
            9) Hoaxes  may be able to be distinguished from genuine circles
               with laboratory tests.
           10) Some formations may represent  or  symbolize  known objects.
           11) The circles do correlate geographically with some well
               documented sightings   of   unidentified   luminous   aerial

       Thanks Michael, for your admirable achievement...Sheldon
       Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
       UUCP    : !scicom!paranet!User_Name
       INTERNET: [email protected]
       Vangard note...

            We suggest  you  read CIRCLES1.ASC on KeelyNet and you will see
            many tie-ins with our hypothesis that the circles are caused by
            precisely directed  UV lasers  in  micro-bursts  to  cause  DNA
            denaturation, heating,   stretch   marks  from   heat   induced
            expansion, anomalies in the form of low level mutation, etc..


         If you  have comments or other information relating to such topics
         as  this paper covers,  please   upload to KeelyNet or send to the
           Vangard  Sciences  address  as  listed  on the  first  page.
              Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.

           Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
                             Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet

                     If we can be of service, you may contact
                 Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346

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