The Da Vinci Notebooks at
Ut bene respondet Naturae ars docta! dedisset
Vincius, ut tribuit cetera • sic animam •
Noluit ut similis magis haec foret: altera sic est:
Possidet illius Maurus amans animam.
Hujus quam cernis nomen Lucretia, Divi
Omnia cui larga contribuere manu.
Rara huic forma data est; pinxit Leonardos, amavit
Maurus, pictorum primus hic, ille ducum.
Naturam, ac superas hac laesit imagine Divas
Pictor: tantum hominis posse manum haec doluit,
Illae longa dari tam magnae tempera formae,
Quae spatio fuerat deperitura brevi.
467:861 1560: These three epigrams on the portrait of Lucrezia Crivelli, a picture by Leonardo which must have been lost at a very early date, seem to have been dedicated to Leonardo by the poet. Leonardo used the reverse of the sheet for notes on geometry.