Sacred Texts
Early Church Fathers
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX
Saint Chrysostom: On the Priesthood; Ascetic Treatises; Select Homilies and Letters; Homilies on the Statues
Title Page.
Title Page.
Chapter I
Chrysostoms Youth and Training, A.D. 347–370.
His Conversion and Ascetic Life.
Chrysostom Evades Election to a Bishopric, and Writes His Work on the Priesthood.
Chrysostom as a Monk. A.D. 374–381.
Chrysostom as Deacon, Priest and Preacher at Antioch. A.D. 381–398.
Chrysostom as Patriarch of Constantinople. A.D. 398–404.
Chrysostom and Theophilus. His First Deposition and Banishment.
Chrysostom and Eudoxia. His Second Banishment, A.D. 403.
Chrysostom in Exile. His Death. A.D. 404–407.
His Character.
The Writings of Chrysostom.
His Theology and Exegesis.
Chrysostom as a Preacher.
Treatise Concerning the Christian Priesthood.
Treatise Concerning the Christian Priesthood.
Title Page.
Book I
Book II
Book III
Book IV
Book V
Book VI
An Exhortation to Theodore After His Fall.
An Exhortation to Theodore After His Fall.
Title Page.
Letter I
Letter II
Letter to a Young Widow.
Letter to a Young Widow.
Title Page.
Letter to a Young Widow.
Homilies on S. Ignatius and S. Babylas.
Homilies on S. Ignatius and S. Babylas.
Title Page.
On the Holy Martyr, S. Babylas.
Homily Concerning Lowliness of Mind.
Homily Concerning Lowliness of Mind.
Title Page.
Concerning Lowliness of Mind.
Instructions to Catechumens.
Instructions to Catechumens.
Title Page.
First Instruction.
Second Instruction.
Three Homilies Concerning the Power of Demons.
Three Homilies Concerning the Power of Demons.
Title Page.
Homily I. Against Those Who Say that Demons Govern Human Affairs.
Homily II. On the Power of Man to Resist the Devil.
Homily III. On the Power of Man to Resist the Devil.
Homily on the Passage (Matt. xxvi. 19), 'Father If It Be Possible Let This Cup Pass from Me,' Etc., and Against Marcionists and Manichæans.
Homily on the Passage (Matt. xxvi. 19), 'Father If It Be Possible Let This Cup Pass from Me,' Etc., and Against Marcionists and Manichæans.
Title Page.
Against Marcionists and Manichæans.
Homily on the Paralytic Let Down Through the Roof: and Concerning the Equality of the Divine Father and the Son.
Homily on the Paralytic Let Down Through the Roof: and Concerning the Equality of the Divine Father and the Son.
Title Page.
Homily on the Paralytic Let Down Through the Roof.
Homily to Those Who Had Not Attended the Assembly: and on the Apostolic Saying, 'If Thine Enemy Hunger, Feed Him, Etc. (Rom. xii. 20), and Concerning Resentment of Injuries.'
Homily to Those Who Had Not Attended the Assembly: and on the Apostolic Saying, 'If Thine Enemy Hunger, Feed Him, Etc. (Rom. xii. 20), and Concerning Resentment of Injuries.'
Title Page.
To Those Who Had Not Attended the Assembly.
Homily Against Publishing the Errors of the Brethren, and Uttering Imprecations upon Enemies.
Homily Against Publishing the Errors of the Brethren, and Uttering Imprecations upon Enemies.
Title Page.
Against Publishing the Errors of the Brethren.
Two Homilies on Eutropius.
Two Homilies on Eutropius.
Title Page.
Homily I
Homily II. After Eutropius having been found outside the Church had been taken captive.
A Treatise to Prove that No One Can Harm the Man Who Does Not Injure Himself.
A Treatise to Prove that No One Can Harm the Man Who Does Not Injure Himself.
Title Page.
A Treatise to Prove that No One Can Harm the Man Who Does Not Injure Himself.
Letters of St. Chrysostom to Olympias.
Letters of St. Chrysostom to Olympias.
Title Page.
To My Lady.
To Olympias.
To Olympias.
To Olympias.
To Olympias.
To Castus, Valerius, Diophantus, Cyriacus, Presbyters of Antioch.
Correspondence of St. Chrysostom with the Bishop of Rome.
Correspondence of St. Chrysostom with the Bishop of Rome.
Title Page.
Letter from St. John Chrysostom to Innocent, Bishop of Rome.
To Innocent, Bishop of Rome, Greeting in the Lord.
To the Beloved Brother John, Innocent.
Innocent, Bishop, to Presbyters and Deacons, and to All the Clergy and People of the Church of Constantinople, the Brethren Beloved Who Are Subject to the Bishop John, Greeting.
The Homilies on the Statues to the People of Antioch.
The Homilies on the Statues to the People of Antioch.
Title Page.
Preface to the Benedictine Edition.
Homily I
Homily II
Homily III
Homily IV
Homily V
Homily VI
Homily VII
Homily VIII
Homily IX
Homily X
Homily XI
Homily XII
Homily XIII
Homily XIV
Homily XV
Homily XVI
Homily XVII
Homily XVIII
Homily XIX
Homily XX
Homily XXI
Indexes of Subjects
Indexes of Subjects
For Pages 1 to 317 (Exclusive of Homilies on the Statues)
Homilies on the Statues
Index of Scripture References
Greek Words and Phrases
German Words and Phrases
French Words and Phrases
Index of Pages of the Print Edition