Pahlavi Texts, Part III (SBE24), E.W. West, tr. [1885], at
1. The sixty-fifth subject is this, that every one is to practise thanksgiving continually, and it is requisite that he maintains it through good and bad; and he is to keep in view 3 the benefits of Hôrmazd. 2. Because the creator 4 Hôrmazd demands two things from mankind, the one is that one should not commit sin, and the other is that one should practise thanksgiving. 3. And how much soever more grateful mankind become, through virtue and worthiness as regards him, they 5 grant more abundant daily provision for the grateful than that which is for other persons. 4. And as to every one who is not grateful to him, the bread that he eats becomes unlawful, and it is not proper for any one to do good in connection with him.
5. And it is declared in revelation that when an unthankful person dies, wherever they deposit. His corpse, the archangel Spendârmad 1 is trembling like a sheep that sees a wolf. 6. And as to a bird that eats that corpse, on whatever tree it rests and settles, it makes that tree wither away, and the person who sits down in the shadow of the tree becomes ill.
7. There are different things that it is necessary for those of the good religion to make predominant over themselves. 8. One is to exercise liberality in connection with the worthy; the second is to do justice; the third is to be friendly unto every one; and the fourth is to be sincere and true 2, and to keep falsehood far from themselves. 9. And these four habits (‘haʓlat) are the principles (aʓl) of the religion of Zaratust, and it is necessary, when thou listenest to them thyself, that thou dost not listen to any one else 3. 10. Because the creator Hôrmazd says, 'O Zaratust! if thou wilt that thou become pure and saved, and that thou arrive at the place of the pure, do thou accomplish these two duties:—11. One is this, that thou prefer the friendship of the spiritual existence to that of the worldly one, and consider the things of the world as contemptible and those of the spirit precious; on this account the glory of the world is sought 4 with scorn, and do not thou let the spirit escape. 12. The second is this, that thou speak truly with every one and act justly with me,
that is, whatever thou dost not approve for thyself do not approve 1 for any one else; when thou hast acted in this manner thou art righteous.'
328:3 La has 'to portray.'
328:4 Lp omits these fourteen words.
328:5 The angels.
329:1 See Chap. XXXIII, 2 n. Lp, B29 omit 'archangel.'
329:2 Lp omits these nine words.
329:3 Lp has 'that what thou listenest to thyself, thou listenest to as regards any one else.' B29 has 'that what thou dost not approve for thyself, thou dost not do to any one else' (see § 12).
329:4 B19 has 'on this account the world is sought again.'
330:1 B29 has 'perform.'